A Spiritual Bible

By Biblicist Jacob R. Blandford


From Galatians 5:22-23 we know that “faith” is a fruit of the Spirit.  And from 2 Tim. 3:15-16 we know the Bible should be completely spiritual from cover to cover: because “ALL scripture is given by inspiration of GOD”. (cf. Rom. 1:2, 7:14)  These scriptures are called “the word of faith” (Rom. 10:8).  Now using our faith, we know from the Psalms: that the scriptures are purified (Ps. 12:6-7), perfect (Ps. 19:7), tried (Ps. 18:30), right (Ps. 33:4) and very pure (Ps. 119:140).  Do you have such a Book?  I’ve examined all the so-called ‘Bibles’ and there is only one that fully meets such a heavenly and holy standard of criteria—The Authorized King James Version of 1611.  Therefore I conclude: the Holy Spirit gave us the KJV.


Other the other hand, the modern versions since 1881 and 1901: exhibit characteristics of the flesh.  For example these bibles are at “variance” (Gal. 5:20) with our holy Protestant Reformation Bible.  Consider this quotation from Dr. Gordon D. Fee of Wheaton College: “The contemporary translations as a group have one thing in common: they tend to agree against the KJV... in omitting hundreds of words, phrases, and verses.” (‘Final Authority’ by Dr. William P. Grady, page 277)  They are also “emulations” (Gal. 5:20) of the true Bible.  They look like a real Bible by the cover, but they are not! (see Matt. 7:15)  And all these versions want to be in churches and in Christians’ homes, but they will not overthrow the preeminence of the AV (see Prov. 22:12)—even after over 200 attempts! (There are over 200 corrupt English versions.)  The Book still stands!  On top of these two “works of the flesh” (Gal. 5:19), the scholars who translated these bibles exhibit a characteristic contrary to the Spiritual force of faith... UNBELIEF.  And whatsoever is not of faith is sin. (see Rom. 14:23)  Therefore these translations are tainted with the uncleanness of unbelief (see Hag. 2:11-14).  The King James Version is not tainted.  The King James translators were spirit-filled, honest, godly intellectuals walking in the will of God and of Christ for their lives.  They were not apostates like Westcott and Hort.  That’s like comparing Simon Peter with Judas Iscariot.  They were filled with faith: and that faith permeated in their prefatory letters (the Epistle Dedicatory and the Translators to the Reader).  In the prefaces for the modern bibles you don’t see any of those scholars come close to such boldness. (cf. Prov. 28:1)  The basis of their translators work is ecumenicism and the “science” (1 Tim. 6:20) of textual criticism—which is another word for “debate”, which is a sin in Romans 1:29.  But church history attests to the Authorized Version.  The KJV represents the Philadelphian period of the church age (see Rev. 3:7-13); and the modern versions are a product of Laodicea. (see Rev. 3:14-22)  Proverbs 14:25 gives us a good insight into the difference between our old Protestant Bible (cf. Prov. 22:28, 23:10) and these “new” (Deut. 32:17; Judges 5:8) perversions.


Compare the King James translators’ marginal notes to the footnoting done in the NSRV or ESV: you’ll see you are dealing with two different animals!  One Bible is built on the holy Christian faith (see Jude 3); the other is the product of satanic doubt! (see Gen. 3:1)  The lie is that that kind of footnoting is necessary, and has to be done in modern versions because of more recent manuscript discoveries.  And that is the biggest lie ever: because all of the Alexandrian readings in those manuscripts were available to the 54 King James translators via the Jesuit Rheims of 1582 or Jerome’s Latin Vulgate: they just simply rejected them and put their faith in the Masoretic text of the Jews (see Rom. 3:2) (instead of the leaven-laced LXX) and the Textus Receptus (instead of any Arian-influenced Alexandrian manuscripts).  As a matter of fact, when Erasmus compiled his Greek text (which was published in 1516), he had access to the Alexandrian readings too: and he also rejected them!  Erasmus’ Textus Receptus wasn’t a brand new text: it matched all the former translations of Bible-believers throughout church history since the time the New Testament was completed in the 1st century.  The problem was that these Christians wouldn’t submit to the pope so they were rejected by Rome as ‘heretics’ and therefore their Bibles were distained (which by the way, exposed ROME’S heresies.)  And the popes didn’t like that: so they performed Inquisitions throughout the Dark Ages, in which scholars believe they put to death some 60 million non-Catholics.  The Roman Catholics also forbid vernacular translations of the Bible; and they even destroyed many Bibles.  Protestants regard John Wycliffe as ‘The Morning Star of the Reformation’.  But for all of Wycliffe’s noble and faithful deeds which he did to translate the Scriptures into the English tongue—years after his death, the pope had his bones exhumed and burnt to ashes!  William Tyndale is known as ‘The Father of the English Bible’.  But for his good Christian deed of translating and printing New Testaments, and thus bringing the light of God’s word to England: he was strangled and burnt at the stake as a ‘heretic’.


Thank you, my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, for your mercy: and shewing me these precious nuggets of truth about the spiritual nature of your Holy Book—the Authorized Version.  In thy name Lord, I pray, Amen & Amen.